Corredores humanitarios: desde Jordania a Palestina
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Por Miguel García Amorós
Si preguntas a cualquier persona…
Jordania – Eu Aid Volunteers
Por Johan
One of the things that I did not consider when leaving…
Jordania – Eu Aid Volunteers
Por Johan
I grew up in a world with the main idea was that…
Jordania – Eu Aid Volunteers
For a long time, Jordan has been a country flying under the radar…
International Volunteers Day- Reasons to Volunteer
I’m an EU Aid Volunteer from Durham in the UK. I’ve recently…
¿Cómo pasan nuestras voluntarias la cuarentena durante el despliegue?
La crisis del coronavirus nos pilló a todos desprevenidos, y…
Work life in the time of Corona in Jordan
Sara Shirmohamad
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected millions…
Exposición fotográfica en jordania – takween
Blanca Ramón Ambrós
Llevo cerca de dos meses desplegada…
40 years of CEDAW: let’s take stock of discrimination against women in Jordan
Chiara Lozza
On March 6, the Arab Women Organization…