Nature, resources and future

Tumaco beach

One of the most remarkable aspects of Colombia for me is their nature, their strength, extension and variety. Knowing a bit of Nariño it is possible to observe that reliefs, landscapes and biodiversity change along this ‘‘Nariñense’’ Region that represents 3% of the whole Colombian area. In the ‘‘Pastos Knot’’ (Nudo de los Pastos), located in the border between Colombia and Ecuador, the Andes are divided in 2 chains (Occidental and Central) and northern they divide again in a third branch (Oriental). This fact creates a very abrupt relief with big slopes and mountains. In addition there is Vulcano concentration in this area: Chiles, Cumbal, Azufral and Galeras. If it was not enough there are big rain forest (or jungle) areas with natural reserves (Rio Ñambí, Biotopo and Planada) and boundless vegetation which grows higher and wider without leaving any little space to see what is under the green surface. A green sea… pure and wild nature…

I have worked several times as instructor with children and when I speak them about nature in an informal education context, I use to ask them if they know something they see, they know or they use that does not come from the nature. And of course, they do not know anything, because it does not exist. Everything we need to live and survive come from the nature, although we forget it sometimes because of our pride. So, in this case it also happens that there are a direct relatinship between nature and the big amount and quality  of natural resources available as: minerals, agricultural, fishing, ranching, forestry, etc.

In every part of the world where conflicts strikes, natural resources and the access to them are in a central position defining their evolution and development. Here, of course, it also happens and everything have a direct relation with the big importance that the actual global development system gives to consumerism (always increasing), and consume of natural resources.

Another question related to this is the limitation of nature. Although nature is very generous and productive, it is not infinite and while we are always consuming more and more resources, the Earth becomes more affected in a negative way. This could cause a collapse and from my point of view, it will happen if we do not change our mentality and our development system in a global context, which would generate useful and important changes in this way.

And here I find our possibility as society. We can change little by little this situation, changing our personal lives in a coherent way with our thinking. One example of this is for example asking ourselves where do the products we consume come from? How were they produced? And who and how they were produced? Our principal role in the actual capitalist society is as consumerists and in this role we can ask and act in this way if we want to change the current situation.

I am not the best example to follow in relation to this. I only wanted to share my point of view after enjoying this nature, and be convinced that I would really like that future generations will be able not only to see and enjoy this nature, but also, to obtain the necessary resources to have a respectable life and also the best personal development in a global level. Today there are big inequalities to every level in this aspect, and it only depends on our principles, attitudes, and actions that this could improve or by opposite that everything continue the same or even worse…


Jorge Núñez




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