«Let´s win with peace, let´s reconcile”. This is the slogan for this year Week for Peace. Its launch was the 28th August at the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center in Bogotá with a roundtable on the role of citizenship in peace building in which NGO and institutions´representatives participated as well as the United Nation Protection System Co-ordinator. This event has the support of the City Hall allowing demonstrations of organized citizens in favor of peace in Colombia.

The organizers of this event and the victims who are participating in the Havana Peace Dialogues, invited the citizenship to mobilize to support the peace dialogues and to encourage Colombian people to put in the public debate the efforts for peace that are being made all around the country.

It has been made an appeal of 100 days of cease fire and arm confrontation by more than 50 social organizations and the Church which have given a push to this event that will be held from the 7th to 14th September 2014 and that will come to an end the 10th December, the Human Rights Day.

The Week for Peace is a scene whose goal is to give value to the processes and efforts of thousands of people and civil society organizations that work for peace achievement, peaceful transformations of conflicts and for building initiatives to dignify life.

Since 1987 a group of national and regional community and social organizations, Human Rights defenders, educations institutions, artists, mass media, among others, decide different subjects related to the reality of the country.

The idea looks for articulating all the actors and activities that are carried out all around the country like peasant indigenous demonstrations, congresses, fora, educational activities in order to promote the peace culture and the approval of the Havana dialogues.

Yesterday morning I had the chance to attend to the launch of the Week for Peace at the Historic Memory Centre of Bogotá. I had the opportunity to see an exhibition of which I would like to talk to you in a next post. In the evening, I also went to the Andes University to assist at the presentation of a report drafted by the Inter American Commission of Human Rights whose title is Country Report on Colombia: Truth, Justice and Reparation. For those of you who are interested in knowing more about this report it is available at http://www.oas.org/es/cidh/

 Written by Carmen Miguel