¿Why and how to communicate in a NGO?
«To define what we mean by communication is equal to say in what kind of society we want to live,» said the Uruguayan expert in communication, Mario Kaplun.
Communication comes from the Latin word «communis», meaning «to share». If there is no interaction and dialogue, there is no communication. Communication, therefore, must be inseparable from the mission of social organizations, it is an essential tool. During the last weeks, in Alianza por la Solidaridad, we were talking about communication issues in three workshops in Popayan, Buenaventura and Tumaco, the main offices of the regions where the NGO is working.
Nongovernmental organizations, such as Alianza por la Solidaridad, produce large amounts of information through their daily work with communities. The accumulated knowledge, the practical experience and the expertise gained have made them an authoritative voice to persuade both, decision makers and public policy makers. NGOs can also have an influence in the lives of the persons who can change the world.
The theoretical and practical knowledge can and must be communicated; NGOs should be in contact with their environment, make accountability, report activities and gather information to apply for funding.
In addition, we cannot forget other communication objectives of NGOs, such as social change and advocacy, or the consolidation of their image and logo as an authority in the field. Moreover, communication is useful to hear what others think about the NGO and its work, especially society and the communities with whom the organization collaborates.
Therefore, the first step of a communication strategy for a NGO is to clarify the different audiences and the messages to transmit; afterwards it can be distinguished between internal communication and external communication and the several actions that will take place can be planed.
Internal communication is a priority, it occurs within the group, as well as with the groups of people with whom the NGO works. Its role is to promote the efficiency of the NGO structure and of its members doing their job, while supporting the integration of the team.
External communication occurs between the association and its environment: funders, government, media, public institutions and other agents that are not related to its daily work. Regarding external communication, NGOs working in the area of cooperation and humanitarian action, such as Alianza por la Solidaridad, must follow the internal security protocols because communication can never ever cause harm to the beneficiaries or the team. The organization should also take into account the ethical codes of communication to avoid provoking actions and reactions in society as a result of non-informed and non-rational awareness of the injustices and inequalities in the world.
Written by Laura Sancho Torné
Image: Wesley Fryer in Flickr
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