End of a great experience…

During my last week in Nicaragua, I had the chance to visit a Disaster Risk Reduction project on the other side of the country, in the region of Atlantic. To go there, we took a 12-seats aircraft from the capital to Bluefields. Then we took a «panga» (a small motorboat) during more than 5 hours!! Then, we visited a little community. To go there, we had to walk during two hours, crossing rivers, walking in thick layers of mud. Indeed, it’s a very rainy area and the floor is all the time wet. I will remember this journey for a long time!

One of the goal of the project is to train and develop capacities of population to respond to a disaster. A challenge of the NGOs is to adapt to knowledge’s population, their availability, lifestyle, etc.

After 5 months in Nicaragua, I would describe this country by its natural resources, its beautiful landscapes. Development is noticeable in big countries. However, in rural areas, poverty is evident.

thanks to my mission in Nicaragua I developed my skills in disaster management. I could better understand diversity of our world working in rural communities. I hope the project I’ve worked during 5 months will be implemented and will contribute to improve life conditions of people.

Thank you to AWO, Alianza por la Solidaridad, GVC and ECHO for this experience!


By Emmanuelle Legay

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